Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Kernel was thinking......

There is a few weekends left in this years sale, so why not get out in those neighborhoods and see how many doors we can knock on. It's no secret that more than 75% of homeowners said "they would buy Scout popcorn if someone asked".
That means that 7 out of 10 door knocks = $$$$

Monday, October 10, 2011

Speaking of Prizes!

Don't forget to get your forms in - Oct. 15th for the first prize and Nov. 15th for the last. Each filled up sales form qualifies!.

Online Sales! This younger Generation is really......

Busy using technology. Who would have thought that we could have not only doubled, tripled by possibly even quadruple our online sales in just 2 short years! So I was thinking.....let's do something BIG for this sales sector, like.....give away an Apple Ipad.