Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Changes in TE scholarship program

The Trail's End Scholarship Program Terms and Conditions have changed as of June 2011. Please read below for specific information regarding the changes.

New Forms - The following forms have been updated on trails-end.com. Please update the forms you provide to Scouts. Trail's End will not accept outdated forms.

Trail's End Scholarship Entry & Sales Reporting Form

Trail's End Scholarship Payout Request Form

Payment Requirements - To receive his scholarship payment, each participating Scout must submit the following documentation to Trail's End via email (scholarship@trails-end.com).

Completed Trail's End Scholarship Program payout request form
High school transcript
Letter of recommendation from a teacher, educator or Scout leader
One-page written essay on the impact the Scouting program has had on his life
Class schedule issued by the Registrar's Office at the educational institution

Scholarship Payment Schedule - Payments are processed and forwarded directly to the participating Scout's educational institution two times per year. Scholarship payment requests received by Trail's End between December 16 and July 15 will be processed on July 16. Scholarship payment requests received by Trail's End between July 16 and December 15 will be processed on December 16.

To view more information about the Trail's End Scholarship Program, click here.

Trail's End Support


Ok, enough of the theatrics! it's just a sale......another......wait a minute, what am I saying. It's GAME ON - What are you waiting for. Get out there, knock on doors, sell safe, and make money!!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

2011 Popcorn Sale

Welcome Scouters
Here's to another great sale - The cooler temps of late summer give way to school, roundups, and POPCORN! What a great way to start the scout year with the largest fundraiser of the year.
I've been to several meetings already, including the show and deliver kickoff, the executive board popcorn report, and most recently a GREAT meeting in Gemstone to launch that popcorn sale.
Tons of great information has been discussed during these meetings and everyone seems eager to hit the ground running. In fact, one unit in Mooresville is having a unit kickoff this Saturday followed up with 3, that's right 3 store front sales.
This brings the meaning to the sales process - recruit a good kernel, create a plan, set a budget, and manage your sale.
SO have fun, sell safe, and make money.