Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2009-2010 Piedmont Council Popcorn Sale

Well, it's that time of year again. We just had the district kick-off last night and we had a great turnout. 25 units picked up popcorn information packs, and munched on carmel corn and BBQ. A lot of great information was shared. For those who didn't attend here are the highlights.
  • Anoint, appoint, or just choose a dynamic popcorn kernel for your unit
  • Pre-plan - sit down and plan your kick-off, your budget, and your management of the sale
  • Have a great kick-off - yell, shout, dress up, do whatever it takes to get the boys excited
  • Track - promote the blitz days, fill-it-up prizes, promote competition between dens, or patrols

The popcorn sale success starts, ends or succeeds with the unit leadership. If you want to have a great sale, and earn money for your boys, and your pack or troop - you will.

Have fun, Sell in uniform, and Make Money!

1 comment:

Edue said...

Hello Fellow Kernels!

Best of luck with the sale - thanks for the blog, John!

Edie Pack #11